If you have been charged with violating state or federal firearms laws Reno Nevada Law can help

Facing a firearms charge is a frightening and serious that can have serious repercussions in your life if you are convicted. Nevada is an open carry state, meaning it is legal to carry a non-concealed firearm in Nevada without the need of a license or permit. Nevada does require a permit for a concealed firearm. Even with its strong gun rights laws, there are federal and state laws and regulations that restrict the use of firearms.  These restricts apply to both Nevada residents and visitors alike. If you or a family member have been charged with a gun, firearm, or other weapons related crime, call the firearms defense attorneys at Reno Nevada Law at (775) 786-5791 to discuss you case today.

Nevada Firearms Laws

Nevada laws reflect it long history of outdoor activities including bird and big game hunting.  While it is not unusual to see rifles in the back windows of vehicles out in the country it is illegal in Nevada to carry a loaded rifle or shotgun in your vehicle while on a public highway. Open carry weapons are permitted for those 18 years of age or older. However concealed weapons ( loaded or
unloaded handgun which is carried upon a person in such a manner as not to be
discernible by ordinary observation) require a permit and the person must be over the age of 21 unless they are in the military. A gun inside or under clothing or in a purse or backpack is considered concealed. Carrying a concealed weapon without a permit can result in felony arrest. Firearms are not permitted without written permission in airports, schools and other child care facilities, legislative buildings, post offices, and federal facilities including VA facilities.

10.0Lee Thomas Hotchkin Jr

Firearms & Weapons Charges

 Firearm related charges include:

  • Possession of a Firearm in a Prohibited Area (ie. school, child care facility, airport, legislative building, post office, VA facility, military base) NRS 202.265
  • Carrying a Concealed Firearm without a Permit NRS 202.350
  • Possessing a Firearm with a Criminal Record or Restraining Order NRS 33.031
  • Shooting a Firearm from Inside a Vehicle or Structure in a Wanton or Malicious Way in a Populated Area NRS 202.280
  • Shooting a Firearm in an Unpopulated Area or into an Abandoned Vehicle or Structure NRS 202.285
  • Shooting a Firearm an Occupied Vehicle or Structure NRS 202.287
  • Aiming a Gun NRS 202.290
  • Brandishing a Gun NRS 202.320
  • Selling or Giving a Gun to a Fugitive, Illegal Alien, Mentally Ill Person, Felon or Person Indicted for a Felony NRS 202.362
  • Knowingly Making or Disposing of a Short Barrelled Rifle or Shot Gun NRS 202.275
  • Making or Selling Metal Penetrating Bullets for Shot Guns NRS 202.273
  • Intentionally Altering the Serial Number of a Firearm NRS 202.277

In addition to these charges the gun charges can be enhanced if the crime was committed in the act of a burglary or home invasion which can carry an additional 2-15 years and a fine of up to $10,000. If you are an immigrant and are convicted of a firearm crime you may be in risk of deportation.

Our Approach to Firearms Defense

You deserve an affordable and experienced firearms defense attorney who will aggressively defend you and will fight for your rights call Reno Nevada Law at (775) 786-5791 and put over 40 years of experience on your side. At Reno Nevada Law, we have successfully defended thousands of people facing firearm, gun or weapons charges. Beginning with your initial consultation, we will listen to you, we will answer your questions, and begin to build a strategy for the best possible outcome in your case. By the end of this meeting you will have a clear idea of what we can do for you and how we will move forward. With Reno Nevada Law on your side, you will receive unsurpassed legal service and the personalized client care.

We are known for having a passion for the law and how the law can help those in a time of need. This passion is shown in both our extensive knowledge of the law, defense strategies, as well as our compassion towards our clients. It’s our commitment to you, and to all of our clients that truly makes Reno Nevada Law unique. The people we represent are at the center of what we do and the reason we come to work each day. We are here to get the best possible result for you. If you or a family member has been arrested or charged with a firearm offense, seek the counsel of a Reno criminal defense attorney with experience fighting Nevada firearms related cases it’s time to call an experienced lawyer who can help, call Reno Nevada Law at (775) 786-5791 immediately, because when you need a lawyer – experience matters!

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